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Chap.1.8 – 1.9 Here is the TRUE explanation of all phenomena…

Chapter 1.8  The ten most mysterious aspects of the astronomic universe.

The cosmological equation will be better explained in section 3. Nonetheless, we wanted to prove in advance, with the help of the logo, relying on the above mentioned equation, the absolute validity of the general geometry of the field and its importance to define natural structures of common experience.

Let’s demonstrate now how it is possible, prior to any mathematical calculation, to explain in simple terms some of the most controversial and mysterious cosmological problems, which, by all means, represent, due to the unfruitful interpretations offered up to now, the biggest hoax ever conceived, fruit of the inventive minds of contemporary physicists.

Let’s start from a list of phenomena. Each one  has been associated to a particular hypothesis explaining its cause. This cause, apart from being absurd in itself both in physical and logical terms, would make each phenomenon or group of phenomena different from all the others. Our aim, instead, is to offer a global and coherent  explanation of all of them through the simple scheme of the logo. This is enough to prove the existence and reliability of unigravitational Physics.

We will talk about: “PULSAR”, “GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE”, “NEUTRON STARS”, “BLACK HOLES”, “BURST GAMMA”, “QUASAR”, “RED SHIFT”, “BIG BANG”, “EXPANDING UNIVERSE”, “and ESCAPE FROM GALAXIES”. Here are the advanced explanations to these phenomena put forward by contemporary physicists.

PULSAR: about 30 years ago, some scientists identified a group of stars capable of radiating radio-waves impulses separated by equal time-intervals of a few seconds. At first, this aspect made them think this was an attempt of interstellar communication by intelligent beings. Explanation: the star, like a beacon, revolves around itself at a precise speed (seconds). In this case, it has a diameter of just a few kilometers and is extremely dense.Diagnosis:


NEUTRON STAR (due to the collapse of electrons upon protons). Then other stars were found, the ones emitting luminous impulses, instead than radio-waves, with the time interval between them progressively reducing to fractions of a second. Diagnosis: even smaller and denser stars, with a mass equal to billions of tons per cm3.

BLACK HOLES: they are the final result of gravitational collapse, bodies that “gravitationally” swallow even light giving only indirect  signs of their existence, like some kind of spatial ogres devouring themselves.

BURST GAMMA: sudden flashes of gamma rays which occasionally light up in all directions of the cosmic space. Explanation: none.

QUASAR: “almost stellar objects, billions of light years far from the Earth, from which a huge amount of energy gets to us, too big given the distance. So they are thought to be extremely far away from the Earth, but the amount of energy emitted would make one think they are at a much shorter distance from us. Being that far, they can only be galaxies, anyway they undergo some light variations lasting a few years. This has only got two explanations: 1) that their diameter measures only a few light years (not dozens, as normal galaxies), this would mean that they are unimaginable concentrates of stellar mass; 2) that in a two-year time range they usually inflate and deflate like balloons. Explanation to all this: absolutely none.

RED SHIFT: increase of  the wave-lengths of the light of galaxies with a subsequent increase of their distance. Explanation: Doppler effect. The waves departing from a luminous source, as it happens with the waves of a sound source drifting away, the faster they go, the bigger is the distance between them. From this point come three conclusions:

BIG BANG: There has been a moment when the matter of all current galaxies was concentrated in only one point; then a huge deflagration took place and in that very moment began the phenomena of:


THE ESCAPE FROM GALAXIES, the more they are distant from us, the faster they go. Will this go on forever? Will we get to another big bang? Well, who knows!


 Chapter 1.9  Their only explanation: the “unigravitational” field.

   § 1. Up against all these mysteries, we are now going to ask our logo to give us its only and real explanation to all ten of the cosmic ghosts we are dealing with, which we decided to write in capital letters.

In pict.1 we have enlarged the first three waves of the field traced by the logo, keeping into account their respective diameters.


SOTTOPROGRAMMA PROPAGAZIONE. Click AVANTI 3 volte; for the pict.2, 9 volte.


As we said, they follow a rotating movement around an eccentric center-of-mass or barycenter: this splits each diameter in two unequal segments, representing the imbalance among the components of the field. The measures of the two segments are inversely proportional to the peripheral/central mass ratio. We will go deeper into this topic in the following chapters. (Newtonian Physics, which assigns the whole mass to the center according to mathematical laws, ignores with its theorems based upon theoretically perfect spheres, one of the main features of gravitation: the polarization. This means that such center-of-mass will really be central if the ratio is equal to 1 (equintensity, resulting in a concentric propagation; it will instead coincide with an extreme of the diameter, if that ratio tends to zero (peripheral attraction tending to zero).

In virtue of that ratio, the cosmological equation provides – as we will see – the value of the acute angle – with its vertex in the center-of-mass of a right triangle inscribed in the propagation spiral. In the case of the logo (ratio 0,3), this angle is equal to 36, 2791°. It results from the first two waves of the field. In the eccentric rotation waves, the two extremes of each diameter trace two logarithmic spirals, running through them at a constant linear speed: on each spiral, equal and rectified arcs are covered in equal lapses of time and the wave succession is marked by equal time intervals (along the two spirals crowd the wave fronts intersections, creating the already mentioned band).

This obviously implies, due to the geometrical enlargement of the spirals, a continuous decrease of the angle in consecutive diameters. In pict.2 we have increased to 9 the number of the waves with their respective diameters, between which exist the following angular values expressed in degrees, also obtained through the cosmological equation: 36,2791; 29,83; 25,33; 22,01; 19,47; 17,45; 15,81; 14,45.


The progressive drop of the angle in the center-of-mass of propagation causes the spherical surfaces of consecutive waves to get closer and closer to each other. This implies the existence of a critical angle, very small, below which two consecutive waves, too close to each other, will implode one into the other. Only one wave will result from this; it will have the same spiral speed and a double energy load. In the same geometrical place of the space, the coming waves will undergo the same phenomenon of fusion on a two-by-two basis. Once they overcome this critical threshold, the waves, melted two by two, will continue their path along the spiral separated by a double linear distance, with a diversion angle in the center-of-mass higher than the critical angle.

This new angle, though, will tend to decrease too, due to the constant enlargement of the propagation spiral, inevitably touching the critical value. At a longer radial distance from the center-of-mass of the field, the above mentioned phenomenon will occur again, further doubling the linear distance between the waves and their global energy load. Of course this process, which we will call pulsation, will indefinitely perpetrate. We have described it through the geometry of our logo, to which we have added the Cartesian axes intersecting in the center-of-mass of propagation (pict.3).


   § 2. We are far from saying that this solution, although being perfectly logic and organic, sweeps away all ten monsters fumbling their way across modern cosmology. Let’s examine the situation in depth.

Let’s fix the center of a star in the propagation barycenter of the waves that is in the axes cross-point: we can consider whatever star and hence whatever galaxy. The axes represent the distance of all possible observers from that given star in the cosmic space. Let’s suppose that the critical angle, below which the implosion between consecutive waves occurs, is equal to (degrees). Following, in pict. 3, through the calculations deriving from our cosmologic equation, the succession of the waves revolving around the barycenter after the beginning (pict. 1 and 2), we can detect the first pulsation (rendered by the marked equatorial circumference of the wave), after a 281,67° field rotation; the angle between two consecutive  diameters is initially of 36,2791°; it is now equal to 7,8° (less than the critical value of ). The angle in transitional increase after the pulsation is of 14,6°. It progressively decreases down to a new critical value, corresponding to a second implosion occurring around 397,76° of rotation. Hence we pass to the third pulsation, after a 514,15° rotation. The fourth pulsation occurs after a 630,69° rotation; the fifth after a 747,31° rotation and so on.

All things considered, let’s ask ourselves the following question:  in the space surrounding a star, what are the points in which the implosion is instantly registered? Obviously only those that are placed along such “critical thresholds”, in other words, the circumferences marked in pict.3, because the waves will pass through all the other points with a normal energy load. This means that the star field, always pulsing according to their nature, will appear as such only from a scarce minority of observation points immersed in the surrounding space. The consequence, that seems to mock modern physicists, lies in the fact that only very few stars can statistically be seen as pulsing stars (PULSAR), because, being us the observers, we unintentionally happen to be along the critical threshold of their propagation field. In fact, all stars are PULSAR, even if we cannot see it clearly. Hence, such concepts like: GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE, NEUTRON STARS and BLACK HOLES  fall.

   § 3. We must clarify that, with the last argumentations, we have necessarily schematized the phenomenon of pulsation, especially when we talked about the implosion of only two consecutive waves and the doubling of their reciprocal distance. In reality, the event involves a plurality of waves which together undergo the criticality. Consequently, the subsequent distancing does not correspond to a mere multiplication of the previous distance by the number of waves involved; it is instead more gradual. Moreover, the critical thresholds are not thin surfaces made up of only two imploded waves, but wide spherical crowns of turbulence, instrumentally manifesting itself in a periodical impulse peak. Then, crossing those thresholds is not such an instantaneous fact to lead us to think that, once we have overcome one of them – with an interplanetary probe, for instance – the pulsar will cease to appear as such. The width of a critical zone cannot be estimated in terms of a few billion kilometers. If only we could make a light-year long trip across the cosmos, we would see the pulsing movement fading away in what we consider “pulsing stars” from the Earth and lighting up in other stars. There is nothing more illusory than that Pioneer plate with those two human shapes on it. Through this plate, scientists wanted to indicate to extraterrestrial beings the position of the solar system in the cosmos with the help of such segments strictly linking it to “pulsars”, which, for a hypothetical traveler of the cosmos, would be like fatuous fires.

   § 4. The good thing is that these explanations cannot be denied, because they are irrefutably confirmed by their own immediate consequences.

1st consequence: let’s theoretically get away, along the axes, from the barycenter of the field (pict.3). We immediately notice that the radial interval between consecutive waves progressively increases, as the various thresholds are overcome. This is the real explanation of the RED SHIFT: the increase of sidereal objects wave-lengths, in relation to their distance from us is not a DOPPLER effect. It is due to the intrinsic geometry of the field, unknown to official Physics: in fact, it is caused by an indefinite repetition of the pulsation phenomenon. The ESCAPE FROM GALAXIES, THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE and the BIG BANG are mere stories.

2nd consequence: The QUASAR are simply “pulser” galaxies. Should their anomalies have an endogenous nature, no explanation could be given, and, as we have seen, the same is true for all the other examined phenomena, if we do not want to produce such irremediable observable contradictions. Everything becomes clear, instead, if we consider these anomalies as simple modifications of the field from the object to us. Since we are dealing with extremely big, far and complex celestial bodies, the time intervals during which such variations occur do not last seconds or fractions of a second -as it happens for pulsar stars, whose distance from us is of thousands, not billion, light-years – their duration is much more irregular and longer (they can last years). The phenomenon, though, is genetically identical: it has to do with the fact that our solar system is by chance located on a critical threshold of the field of anomalous galaxies. If our neighbor galaxy, Andromeda, occupied the place of a quasar star, it would appear as a quasar star too from the Earth, causing contemporary physicists to go ballistic.

3rd consequence: It deals with quasar stars themselves and clinches the question once and for all. The enormous quantity of irradiated energy – inexplicable given the distance, according to an official point of view – is nothing more than the extremely natural effect of the above described accumulation occurring at every pulsation between the waves in reciprocal implosion and progressively increasing their global load.

Finally, the mysterious BURST GAMMA are simply random pulsation phenomena between gamma waves, whose source points are scattered across the cosmic space.

We can only give a hint of the fact that the pulsation phenomenon also occurs, with different geometrical modalities, in concentric propagation (chap.1.2, pict 2). This means that all the fields of the universe indiscriminately partake in this phenomenon.

   § 5. As we can see, our logo has perfectly put together and clarified with a single solution some among the most difficult and controversial cosmological problems of our times, showing that they are deemed to be inexplicable only if we think they are endogenous in sidereal objects – as stated by contemporary physicists. According to the solution we have been putting forth, these tough problems have nothing mysterious if we refer them to the exact geometry of the field, keeping into account all possible variations of the field before a given phenomenon gets to our eye.

The result, anyway, is not merely theoretical or just pertaining to an obsolete cosmology. Official Physics took for exceptional phenomena a series of observations which, on the contrary, indicate an absolutely general propriety of gravitational fields. This mistake has brought about disastrous consequences to the detriment of  knowledge in itself ( the most important among human values, also involving moral and social issues) but also of practical nature.

The places, in the cosmic space, where the field “pulses” are for gravitational accumulation of matter and determine the formation of natural (also biological) structures. Let’s go back for a moment to the angular rotation thresholds where, through the logo, we have been able to see consecutive pulsations. We can notice, without any preliminary calculation, that the difference in degrees between two consecutive pulsations is constant (about 116,5°). In nature, the logarithmic spiral enlargement forms – look at the shells for example –  follow a constant central angle pattern. It is clear that the constant angle characterizing this typology of geometrical  growth and progression depends on the criticality established by nature case by case, while our critical angle (the already mentioned ) is just an example. It is also clear, though, that such a theoretical and mathematical approach towards an infinite range of phenomena will allow us to understand their real nature. Far from offering us a generalized and often misleading interpretation, this approach can only have more than positive effects in all the fields of knowledge

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