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Chap.2.1: Gravitation: what modern physics does not see, but it is there …

Section 2
Why  Unigravitational  physics.

Chapter 2.1: Gravitation: what modern physics does not see, but it is there …

If we collect all possible information from books and experts of the highest level about the characteristics of the gravitational force, we find an unthinkable fact: one of them is missing, an absolutely essential one, which no physicist notices, though it is under everyone’s eyes.

This property is the “polarization”. All celestial bodies – alone and in systems – have an equatorial plane and a polar axis, around which they revolve. So the Sun, the planets, the solar system, the galaxies do. What’s more visibly polarized than the immense disk of a galaxy?

 Well, the idea that all modern theories have about the acting of gravitation is that it has a “spherical symmetry”. We find, for example, this incredible mistake in number 65, dedicated to the ” Trecento anni dai Principia,” of the magazine L’ASTRONOMIA (April 1987 Secrets of G, by Anna M. Nobili)):

“… The spherical shape of all bodies larger than about 200 km testifies to the domain of the gravity, reproducing the characteristic spherical symmetry of the gravitational potential” (p.21).

 To confirm the generality of this totally fantastic idea of modern physics, it is said in LA GEOFISICA by Owen M. Phillips (Biblioteca EST Mondadori):

“The forces associated with a simple single-pole field, as the gravitational field, (…) decrease according to 1/r2, that is  the square of the distance. Those associated with a dipolar field, for large distances, decrease according to 1/r3, that is the cube of the distance “(p.168).

 The misunderstanding is born with the mythicization of Keplero’s empirical laws and Newton’s theory, whose theorems consider the gravitational attraction as isotropic: that is, equal,  in all directions of space, from each individual particle; which is not true. If the attraction of each particle were  isotropic, that is  spherically equipotential, gravitation could not be polarized.

It follows that Newton’s formula F = G (m1 m2 / r2) counts its successes (motion of the planets,  discovery of Neptune, interplanetary probes) in a given range of cosmic phenomena within which it is roughly valid, but it fails completely right in that character of “universal” that is  recognized to the gravitation. In subsequent attempts to measure the strength according to the preconception of the isotropy (balance of Cavendish, etc..), the value of the so-called constant G came out approximate in a  ridiculous way, with only three significant digits (6.67), as noted in the same article of the mentioned magazine and at  p. 60 of Phillips’ book. Which means, in practice, that G, far from being a “universal constant”, is a very modest “variable”.

The first step, therefore, to understand the nature of the gravitational field is to put in its foundation the property of the polarization: the gravitational field is, first of all, a dipole. We will see that its attractive function is related to a rotating propagation: which is the only explanation of the rotary motion of the stars, whose cause is entirely unknown to contemporary physics.

This first chapter of our discussion eliminates, in conclusion, the first of the apparent diversities which  would oppose gravitation to the other alleged cosmic “forces” (electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear): the gravitational field is dipolar, as  that one of every single particle (spin of the electron, of the proton, etc..), such as a magnetic dipole, such as particles and light waves in the phenomenon of polarization of light.

This suggests the illusory and vain attempts to find the “magnetic monopole”, which is like searching for half a celestial body with the only magnetic North, separated from the other half with the only South and it is equivalent to not understand that the dipolarity  is intrinsic to the nature of matter and it  is inseparably linked to the rotation of any field.

Only this would suffice to show the total conceptual confusion of the current physics and its blind mathematicism: from the equations of electromagnetism should be born monstrously magnetic separated poles, as the electric charges, divided into positive and negative. It is inconceivable to not understand that there is, in fact, no symmetrical relationship between magnetism, which is an ondulatory matter, and the corpuscular of electrons and protons. The result is, already confirmed, one of the titles of our literature: A specter is haunting the world: theoretical physics.

In the following chapters we will eliminate one by one all the other appearances of diversification between the gravitation and other forces, obtaining the recognition of the first one  as the only real acting force in the universe (“unigravitational physics”).

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